Pop-art Panic Clock

Physical Prototyping

Rita Moreira

SUPSI - Programming Interactive Objects
A clock that plays with time and screams when the alarm goes off


Pop Art inspires this clock through bold, simple digits and vibrant colors. Overall, one might think this clock is designed for the general public because of its apparent "simplicity". But as soon as the user sees and hears its alarm, he or she realizes it is more of a psychedelic and stressful clock. This contrast between the clock and its alarm was created to illustrate the author's depiction of panic over alarms going off.

Interface and Interaction modality

The clock has two different screens. The main screen displays the current time in a Pop Art inspired way. When looking at the clock, the user can perceive different representations of time. For example, the motion of the first digit and the three blocks whose background changes progressively are paced according to the seconds. The last number behaves like an hourglass, gradually filling up every minute. In addition, a small red dot on the first line of the clock represents the alarm time, transposing the 24 hours on the top line of 32 pixels.
To set a new alarm, the user presses 'A' and types in the four digits that make up the alarm. As he types in, he gets instant feedback by seeing the number appear in the center of the screen. The new alarm is validated by pressing the space bar.
Finally, the second screen is the alarm-triggering screen. It is psychedelic and stressful. Indeed, the user can hear a robotic voice shouting "ding dong" several times while time is displayed with two stroboscopic clocks that alternate.
To turn off the alarm, the user must clap his hands twice to return to standard time.

User Experience

The clock is meant to be a simple yet pleasurable object that could be used as a decorative garment. The possibility of setting an alarm brings interaction and customization between the object and the user. The contrast between the vibrant interface of the clock and the psychedelic interface of the alarm, along with the robotic voice, is an emotional and visual experience for the user.

Research and development context

With its square shape, the clock could easily be displayed in a living room and hung on the wall as a work of art. The interaction with the keyboard could be replaced by rotary encoders or voice detection to build a fully integrated artifact.
A possibility to customize the clock in terms of color or animation could be added as an additional feature. Other information could be displayed, such as the temperature of the room through a temperature sensor or a light sensor that would adapt the intensity of the clock's light depending on it.

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